Certified Practising Horticulturist


The Certified Practising Horticulturist Programme administered by the Centre for Urban Greenery and Ecology (CUGE), NParks certifies the credentials of individuals who have completed the CPH Recognition Training, CPH Examination, CPH Project Report and who have met the experience requirements set forth by the CPHB. Individuals who have completed the above requirements are conferred the title ‘Certified Practising Horticulturist’ (CPH). This programme is accredited with the Australian Institute of Horticulture, a highly distinguished professional body for horticulturists in the sub-tropics.

Maintaining Your Certification

The certification of CPH is valid for a period of three (3) years. A CPH shall accumulate at least thirty (30) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) by the end of the three (3)-years period for renewal of the certification. CUGE will manage and assist Certified Practicing Horticulturists to achieve the required CEUs. You may CLICK HERE for more details on how CEUs can be obtained.

Renewing Your Certification

For more information on renewing your certification, please CLICK HERE.

Verification of Certified Practising Horticulturist

To verify the certification status of an individual, please contact us HERE.